East San Fernando Valley Young Life

Meet Our Staff

My name is Mauricio Barajas, I was born and raised in the East San Fernando Valley. For me growing up in the East San Fernando Valleys was a challenge. There was not much opportunity for a young teen to come to know Christ in a true and relational way. As teenagers we either had to get home from school and take care of our younger siblings, stay away from trouble, and/or to be with those who caused trouble. There was and still is social-economic hardships, single parent families, a sense where young kids yearn to belong, and a lack of Christ Centered activities, clubs and leaders who can lock arms with these young girls and boys who reside in the East San Fernando Valley.

I discovered Christ later in my teen years, shortly after my senior of high school. Through the years there was part of me that wanted Christ desperately but my personal and self centered ambitions directed me another way. It is not until April 01 2001 is when I was baptized in Christ. Flash forward to 2019, I was introduced to Young Life by some friends of the local church I attended. Later in 2023 I became a volunteer for the newly created East San Fernando Valley Young Life. Earlier this year is when the possibility of a Mission Staff Member job was going to become open. I thank God for this opportunity to be staff member for Young Life. I look forward to see God’s plan for the East San Fernando Valley youth come into fruition.

Committee Members

Our committee members: Rich Poole, Mark Statema, Mauricio Barajas and Haylee Dubrin.
The East San Fernando Valley Young Life Committee is the backbone for Young Life in our area. Committee is a group of local adults who care about kids and are committed to Young Life's mission to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. ​
Committee is also active in supporting each Young Life ministry by praying, fundraising, fostering community relationships, and encouraging staff and leaders. We are looking for more individuals to join our team!
Please contact Mark Statema for more information on Committee and how to get involved!

Does it matter?

4 out of 5

Young Life participants

consider Young Life and it's leaders to be a significant influence on their faith.


of volunteer leaders and staff with

Young Life would overwhelmingly recommend their leadership experience to a friend.


Fun Fact:

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Fun Fact:

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Fun Fact:

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"Young Life changed my son's life ..."